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Andy V Love
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Andy V Love
The government ignored all the pleas and advice from agents (who are the experts in this case) and landlords who have to deal with the aftermath of pet problems and damages caused. We were treated like we would actually benefit and keep extra monies from a pet deposit, labelled greedy in fact when all we wanted was to be in a position to resolve problems easily that are generally consistency left behind, bar the minimal few genuine pet owners who take responsibility for their pets. The 5 weeks cap on deposit came and naturally put off most of my landlords who used to offer out their properties to pet letters, only to discover their properties destroyed and no easy means to recover costs. Paying out their own pockets with only a lesson learnt not to trust this process again and simply avoid for their own protection. Perhaps the government can get back in touch with reality and ask us as the professionals who live through this. Why are most of my landlords so against pet lets? How about because probably all of them have had an experience where they have let with pets and the damage caused was not covered by the minimal deposit capped to hold! It's not a difficult subject and easily resolved, like everyone above has said - PET DEPOSITS. Cover it with the deposit protection laws in place such as the standard deposit so its kept in-check from the bad eggs trying to profit and presto... problem solved! It just shows you how out of touch this government is! But nobody has faith in them anymore anyway. Next it will be due to rising costs with inflation this will be unthinkable to burden tenants with this, and it will just be made law to accept full stop. More landlords will exit the market and rents will go up again due to lack of supply. Feelings of deja-vu anybody?

From: Andy V Love 17 February 2023 14:55 PM

Andy V Love

From: Andy V Love 11 April 2022 09:40 AM

Andy V Love
There should have been a cap on fees introduced, and a cut down on the stupid other fees agents can come up with to charge, not a total ban. As everything pans out and usual routine of today's world, i agree that those who think they are clever and abuse the system, spoil it for the rest of us honest people. I am glad to hear you walked away Albert D, £720.00 on fees?! That is just outright wrong and there is no need for this, only greed and dishonesty. As a letting agent, i couldn't give you an honest answer to how much of that fee they would actually and honestly require to cover their costs! SCN Lettings... i was in agreement with you up to the very last point you made. The agents take on phone call and fees for chasing tenants? Come on!! In my time, real estate agents like me was paid something called a 'wage' to make phone calls and chase tenants, i don't agree we should charge a tenant a fee to send a letter and make phone calls! That's exactly what is wrong in today's market... this exact mentality right here! And before you say it, when i say 'a time', no i'm not old. I'm only 30, just come from an honest place of hard work with an old passion for the job! Courts need to be easier and faster to punish the law breakers to deter them, but we are all doomed from our own stupidity and expectations of today's world! If only common sense prevailed like the old days :-( I'm actually hoping as per today's way of the world this leads to most agents increasing their fees to landlords... it won't change our fee structure to our landlords, current and new!

From: Andy V Love 04 April 2018 10:47 AM

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